June 28, 2006

Scientology Orientation Video

Check out this Scientology orientation video that all potential "converts" see at one of the Scientology "churches." With the massive amounts of money that they rake in, you'd think that could come up with something that looked less like full blown propoganda and more like a real documentary.

I especially like the beginning where you see the astroids plummiting towards the earth. My guess is that the astroids are the ones that hit the earth about 75 million years ago (the Xenu Incident), implanting Thetans on our lonely rock, thus leading to the human race (or something like that...).

I actually would love to go through an "auditing" session; it'd be fun to learn about my past lives as an alien. Who knows - if I'm lucky I may find out that I was "deceived into a love affair with a robot decked out as a beautiful red-haired ," or maybe that I was run over by steam roller driven by a Martian bishop. If I'm really lucky (one can only hope!), I might find that I had been transformed into an intergalactic walrus who died when I fell out of a flying saucer! Wow! My current life is boring compared to my past ones!

You can read more about the Xenu Incident here. It's almost as good as Star Wars!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.